Thursday, October 3, 2013

More Up Is Down From The GOP Leadership And It's Evangelical Supporters

Oh those lab coats make this Up is Down trick much more believable.

Here's another example from today of just how low the Republican Party is willing to go in it's Up is Down and Down is Up campaign.  This one is so twisted it should make a person dizzy and then sick.

House GOP Pleads For Funding For Kids With Cancer After Canceling Research For Kids With Cancer

 Jennifer Bendery - Huffington Post - 10/3/2103
WASHINGTON -- The politics behind the government shutdown reached a new level of absurdity on Thursday as a group of conservative House Republicans -- the same ones refusing to fund the government unless Obamacare is delayed or defunded -- pleaded with Democrats to pass a bill only funding services for children with cancer. (This is just so twisted and obscene I can't believe these so called politicians are actually attempting this stunt.)

Dressed in lab coats, members of the Republican Doctors Caucus made the case that pediatric cancer research trials at the National Institutes of Health deserve to be funded, even if the rest of the government is not. (You should have thought about this before you shutdown the government.)
"There are times that the private sector cannot be reasonably expected to do the research and development needed because the issue, the syndrome, the disease, might be so rare that it is economically prohibitive," said Rep. Todd Rokita (R-Ind.), whose son suffers from Angelman Syndrome, a rare neurogenetic disorder.
"I ask the president himself to stop this nonsense," said Rokita. "Let us help people. Let us help children. Please." (Especially his child.)

Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-N.C.), a former nurse, choked up as she described the tears of parents learning that their children have cancer. She said it's up to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to help those families by passing the GOP bill. (Really?  Why don't you just go back and vote to fund the government?)
 "Don't take hope away from those families. Don't take hope away from those moms," Ellmers said. "Let's give hope back to those families. I'll tell you, Sen. Reid, you will not sleep until that happens." (The better question is how are you sleeping at night after agreeing to pose in this obvious and ridiculous attempt to blame Reid for your vote in which you helped shut down the government and stopped the NIH from helping kids with cancer.)

House Republican Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) also joined the group. She talked about how she has a son with Down syndrome.
"I've learned so much about the cutting-edge research and the potential, the breakthroughs that we're on the verge of discovering," McMorris Rodgers said. "Let's keep that going." (Here's another one whose child will benefit from this sudden Republican concern for sick kids.)

Of course, House Republicans could also agree to just fund the government and end the shutdown today, which would allow those clinical trials to resume, along with everything else. If House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) put a "clean" funding bill on the floor, with no strings attached, there are already enough Republicans willing to join Democrats to pass it. From there, the bill would sail through the Senate and get signed into law by President Barack Obama, ending the shutdown. But so far, under pressure from tea party conservatives to keep pushing for Obamacare-related concessions, Boehner has given no indication he's prepared to do that..... (Apparently Boehner would rather give his Tea Party faction more rope to embarrass his party and slit their own throats.)

.....For all their talk that NIH funding should be restored in this case, House Republicans have done a terrible job funding the agency in recent years.

In 2010, Cantor himself proposed a $1.3 billion cut to NIH. The 2011 House Republican budget also sought to cut $1.6 billion from the agency. In House Republicans' 2013 budget proposal put forward by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), cuts to the agency's budget approached 20 percent.

Still, when asked Thursday about the bill to restore funding to the NIH, Cantor said he's "been insistent on making as a priority funding for the NIH, and specifically funding for pediatric medical research."

"When you have somebody young and have a whole life that potentially could be ahead of that child, I don't think there are many things, as a priority for us, as humans. (Certainly funding the government in total isn't a priority for the Tea Party.)


I have nothing to really add to the this article.  I am in a state of shock that we have politicians that would stoop to this level, using sick kids, to attempt to blame the Democrats for the fact it was these very same 'noble' Republicans who voted to shutdown the government, causing the problem in the first place. 

But if that wasn't enough, there is also the news that the religious right part of the Tea Party, those Evangelical Christians associated with the New Apostolic Reformation are calling for a military take over of the country.  Here's the stirring words of Rick Joyner from a radio show "Prophetic Perspectives"  broadcast on September 30th, as quoted in an article by Bruce Wilson at the blog Talk to Action.

I mean, there's no way our Republic can last much longer. It may not last through Obama's second term. There are a lot of people that feel, you know, it can't. There are forces right now seeking to undermine and to destroy the Republic. There's almost a glib and almost a joyful disregard of the constitution, and a belittling of the constitution. We can't make it without that -- that's our foundation, our moorings. We're heading for serious tyranny....Since it is this faction of the Republican Party which has made it their mission to undermine and destroy the government, this is another stunning example of Up is Down and Down Is Up reality.)
......I think we've been used in some wonderful and powerful ways by God, we've been one of the most generous nations in history, we've done so much good -- and that's why I appeal to the Lord -- don't let us be totally destroyed. Please, raise up those who will save us. And as I start telling friends from a long time that no election's going to get the right person in there that can restore us because the system is so broken, so undermined right now -- the whole system.
I believe our only hope is a military takeover: martial law.

I haven't been writing too much about the NAR and it's agenda to infiltrate the military for quite awhile, but maybe it's time to remind readers that this agenda is very real and this call for a military takeover is what this agenda has always been about and why the NAR has spent so much capital and effort on the Air Force Academy specifically and the military in general.  It's about creating a fascist Christian theocracy through a military takeover.  I think I've seen this kind of thing enacted in Catholic countries far too often and always with disastrous results for the 'little people'.  The fact there are real groups with real power hell bent on the same kind of the thing in this country is an ugly thought.  It's an up is down and down is up kind of thought.  It's crazy, and yet it really could become our reality if people don't wake up.  The Tea Party GOP is all too real to ignore the NAR agenda.  Can anyone say Sarah Palin?