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And now Bill wants to insure they have no right to privacy and that he has the right to investigate their allegations. |
I made a promise to myself that I would refrain from making any more comments on Bill Donohue, president/well paid CEO/self styled mouth piece for Cardinal Dolan/ head of the right wing Catholic League. However, after his latest press release I gave myself permission to break that promise. Here is the pertinent part of the press release having to do with the abuse allegation against Minneapolis' embattled Archbishop Neinstedt:
"Archbishop Nienstedt has been the
subject of a non-stop crusade orchestrated by ex-Catholics, and
Catholics in rebellion against the Church, simply because he stands for
everything they are not: he is a loyal son of the Catholic Church.
Now—out of the blue—comes an
unidentified male who claims he was touched on his buttocks in 2009 by
the archbishop while posing for a group photo. Nienstedt denies the
charge, adding that he has never inappropriately touched anyone.
Moreover, he has not been told the identity of his accuser.
The Catholic League is asking those who
were there to share with us any information they have. Specifically, we
are interested in obtaining a tape recording, or set of photos, of any
Confirmation ceremony in 2009 where Archbishop Nienstedt was present;
presumably, the alleged victim was standing next to the archbishop.
Also, we are asking anyone who knows anything about the accuser (someone
knows who he is) to come forward."
I wonder if the members of the Catholic League really want to go after an anonymous kid who did not make this allegation on his own initiative. It was given to the police by a mandated reporter after the mandated reporter was told by the Archdiocese to do so. I hope this is Bill using 'we' language without consulting the 'we' he represents. It beggars the imagination that conservative Catholics actually think they have some mandated mission to interfere with an official police investigation in order to 'save' a culture warrior bishop from a 'crusade orchestrated by ex-Catholics, and Catholics in rebellion against the Church....' In reality it's called bullying a potential abuse victim just because Donohue has the access and the influence and the money to do so. This is no longer about ranting the party line, this has crossed the ranting line and moved to personal intimidation and abuse. Bill might be a parody for some of us, but this kind of thing is all too real for the poor kid who may not even have wanted the issue reported.
Or...this is what conspiracy theorists call a false flag operation designed to create the "embattled Archbishop is victim" scenario described in Bill's press release. In the end the alleged victim will not be found or the police will not have gotten his cooperation and the whole thing will be dropped. I personally am starting to think this is exactly what this allegation is really all about. For those who remember, Donohue started a vilification campaign against media outlets in Kansas City on behalf of Bishop Finn during the Ratigan investigation. Given that Ratigan is serving a federal sentence for the manufacture and distribution of child pornography and Finn was convicted of failure to report child abuse, Donohue's victim scenario for Finn was a total failure. Bill doesn't strike me as the type of personality to accept a second such embarrassing defeat which is why I think this one is set up in such a way that he won't take another such defeat. After all the mandated reporter only did so after the Archdiocese gave the green light. I guess only time will tell.
I will not be shocked at all if the allegations prove unprovable---in spite of Bill's national call for evidence. The vigilantes won't find anything because there is nothing for the vigilantes to find. In any event, no matter how it turns out, it's another ugly stain on American Catholicism.
ReplyDeleteThe feeling of "self respect and the need to be respected by others" is part of developing a mature functioning human ego. This is important for both self esteem and creativity. The feeling that a person is more important or better than others is pure and simple false pride and arrogance. A feeling of a job well done again is important to all humans. So in you definitions it is #2 false pride that is the hurtful emotion.
That's what I thought. It is interesting that in English the more common meaning for "pride" are the good ones, so that if "pride" is being considered a deadly sin, it has to be explained as arrogance, superiority, etc, possible "vanity" is part of this or that could be something different.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if there is anything that would shame Bill D.? He certainly has no shame in identifying the Church with the hierarchy and defending the indefensible.
ReplyDeleteWhy not simply publish a list of those bishops NOT involved either in cover-ups or having molested children themselves? Because it's starting to look like this will be smaller than any list of those who simply looked the other way, moved clergy/nuns/friars around without telling people.
ReplyDeleteLet us just light a candle in hopes that Bill gets his meds adjusted.
ReplyDeleteThanks. My suspicions are that the weak allegation was seized upon to get Nienstedt, a key anti-gay marriage crusader, off the front page as the bishops anti-gay marriage US Senate election push heats up, especially when Nienstedt is "vindicated" and turned into a "martyr". Donohue likely knows this and is sending a volley over the heads of other potential complainants, as well as the poor kid being used here.
ReplyDeleteIt didn't work in Kansas City and won't in Minneapolis, which is potentially more significant. Please see, "Pope Francis, Kids, Obama, Abbott & Murdoch", at : http://wp.me/P2YEZ3-Vk
Donohue is a glaring example of a narcissistic windbag buffoon, and as you said he is un-shame-able.
ReplyDeleteHow does the Church of Jesus Christ have representatives that are the polar opposite of Him. Dolan, Donohue, Nienstedt, Listecki, Finn...............................How sad, and like you said these so called "men of God" will lie, and cheat and lie and continue their self protective actions and defend what is completely indefensible.
Good point, imagine the list of priests who knew or at least had strong suspicions that were afraid to report the pedophile priests.
ReplyDeleteThose people have to carry the responsibility of many suicides and ruined lives. I hope it is a heavy and painful burden for each and every one of those cowards.
Colleen, just catching up on the news and this great posting. Thank you for framing what Bully Bill is doing so clearly here: bullying a potential abuse victim, and sticking his nose into an official police investigation. As you say, this is beyond disturbing and a real stain on American Catholicism. When I think of how close Bully Bill and Tim Dolan are, I become almost physically sick at the thought.
ReplyDeleteThe Dallas Morning News did such a list back in 2002. They identified 2/3rds of US bishops had moved abusive priests from parish to parish and stonewalled on any information as these assignments were made.
ReplyDeleteSo back in 2002 only 1/3 of US bishops would have made your list, and to be honest, some of those would have to be questioned because information came out later that some belonged in the other list.
Merry Christmas Bill and I truly hope you and Steve are finding some peace on your pilgrimage in Italy. And by the way, I am really jealous.
ReplyDeleteOr understands a bottle with a Johnny Walker label is self medication.
ReplyDeleteEvagrius was a student of Origen.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder I like him so much.