Sunday, April 22, 2012

Is It Time To Root Out Radical Masculinists From Catholicism?

Some earlier radical feminists who scared the bishops.  Maybe it was because they both wore pointy hats and drank tea.

The latest salvos of salvation from the Vatican have certainly set the Catholic world ablaze.  So much so there must have been some blazing keyboards ignited from all the zeal.  Between the pending rehabilitation of the SSPX and the smack down of the LCWR the blogosphere has been alive with debate.  A lot of acrimonious debate.  A lot of not very Christian debate, and since the Vatican doesn't want laity and religious to debate anything, it's not very Catholic either.

I've read a lot of comments, hundreds and hundreds on the National Catholic Reporter alone.  A number of comments about the LCWR situation stood out, but one really made me laugh, in a good way.  "How come the hierarchy is never accused of radical masculinism."  Good question.  Maybe that's because the Vatican doesn't allow for the concept of radical masculinism because it doesn't have the authority to recognize such a concept. Jesus did after all only ordain 12 men and called God 'Father'.  Of course Jesus also mentioned something about God being like a hen spreading it's wings over it's chicks, but Jesus must not have really meant that, or it was a translation error, or a later add on by some radical feminist masquerading as a male scribe in a monastery and out to undermine Jesus' one Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and very male Church.  I have my doubts we will ever ever get a sermon from Pope Benedict denouncing radical masculinism.  

Seriously though, I think if I were a member of the LCWR I might bring this point up with my very new bishop overseers.  How otherwise will the LCWR recognize their radical feminism without it's dualistic counterpart.  I mean really, much of Church teaching is based on dualistic concepts like God/Satan, good/evil, sacred/profane, bishop/nun. In God's dualistic creation one would think there would also be this very threatening thing called 'radical masculinism' to counter balance 'radical feminism'.  It only stands to reason there would be such a thing and after all Pope Benedict is very much into reason.  

Perhaps we could see radical masculinism added to the next Vatican list of contemporary secularist sins.  Maybe someday we will also see the Vatican link abortion, birthcontrol, pornography, and clerical sexual abuse to radical masculinism because in it's very nature radical masculinism is selfish and ego centered and has thoroughly separated male sexuality from it's procreative roots.  Maybe we could also find the Vatican linking personal power games, the pursuit of greed for selfish gain, the need for domination and control, and demanding obedience and submission without accountability and personal responsibility as other core attributes of radical masculinism.  These could someday be identified as serious deficiencies which need to be rooted out from our male Catholic religious and clergy. 

I suspect the fact none of that will ever happen is the biggest proof radical masculinism is alive and well in the Roman Catholic Church.  In the meantime Sister Simone Campbell of the DC lobbying group Network has her finger on what is motivating both the Vatican and the USCCB :  "I think we scare them." I think they do too. 


  1. OK, so now I have the test to apply before I consider attending Mass regularly again: Have the bishops yet admitted to the sin of radical masculinism? Of course even then they will blame all those radical feminists. If it weren't for the feminists, they would not have been tempted into finding their darker side.

    Of course the other answer they would have to this is: What's wrong with masculinism? All the emphasis on reason and intellect, logic, strength and leadership is what God created first in Adam. Christ of course brought these characteristics to a summit in conquering death. Women might have some form of good in them but nothing that allowed one of them to do anything remotely similar.

    Bah. It is the sexism that's the sin. That we are all children of God is what should matter most.

    1. It is sexism, but sometimes it's a good idea to refer to something in a different context. Maybe then we can start to emphasize the first creation story in Genesis where Adam and Eve were created at the same time in God's image and likeness.

    2. I agree and I do like the term 'radical masculinism' as you've applied it.

  2. Could it be the Holy Spirit is sending out another message, another opportunity, to see if we follow Her? How many of the opportunities havewe let pass? How long will She continue to provide us these opportunities to respond to Her as the Paraclete?


    1. As many as we need, but at this moment in time, the messages are coming hot and heavy. Women have to take the lead precisely because it is a more feminine energy.

      The LCWR are in the lead in terms of Catholicism. This is one reason, amongst others, that they can't be allowed any form of leadership, but most especially leadership as it pertains to themselves. It is imperative for the idea of an all male Catholic leadership that they disempower the LCWR. Too bad for these men they waited too long.

    2. Yes, Colleen, I agree that they have already lost the battle; but the dust hasn't settled yet. They have lost our hearts and our feet and our words and our choices will follow. There has to be a balancing between the masculine and feminine energy; that is why they have lost: because they cannot give up what I have heard called "radical masculism."
