Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Archbishop Wuerl Encourages K of C To Be 'Their Brothers Keeper'

Archbishop Donald Wuerl has probably done enough of this to earn his red hat.

The Knights of Columbus are in the midst of their International Convention in Washington DC.  Archbishop Donald Wuerl gave the sermon at the opening Mass held in DC's Basilica Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.  Wuerl stresses the Kof C role in Benedict's New Evangelization with the idea that the Knights are their brother's keeper.  The following short excerpt is from the end of the homily as reported by CNA:

Turning back to the contemporary culture, Archbishop Wuerl said, “Our mission as Jesus’ witnesses takes place in a world profoundly in need of a New Evangelization. The threads of an encounter with the living Lord and the love that he brings into this world need to be woven once again into the fabric of our culture, of our society, our nation and our world. This, Christ and his Church entrust to us today.”

“We are our brother's keeper! in wild contradiction to all the other lifestyles, options and opinions, we are to be champions of the New Evangelization … to be a living, effective sign of the Risen Christ in this highly secular world, in which we are still called to ‘walk on the water’,” knowing that Jesus “is there saying ‘don’t be afraid, don’t doubt’.”

I read this article and I couldn't help but wonder in what sense Archbishop Wuerl was using the phrase 'brother's keeper'.  The recent history of the Kof C under Carl Anderson would tend to make one think that being one's brother's keeper is taken pretty literally, and not in the charitable sense, but in the political sense.

The Kof C has been a major player and contributor in the culture wars, especially in generous funding for the anti gay marriage crusade.  The whole idea in this campaign is to keep some of their brothers from enjoying certain benefits accorded other of their brothers.  It seems to me the Kof C has gone from being a  selfless group working local charity projects with little fan fare, to something entirely different.  It now functions as more of a political PAC on the national and local level.  If that's to be the definition and modus operandi of the New Evangelization, I don't expect to be seeing Carl Anderson walking on water any time soon.

As to Archbishop Wuerl's ability to be his brothers keeper, apparently he takes this quite literally as his 'brothers' keeper and does not extend this to his 'sisters'. 

It is really difficult for me to write about ecclesiastical leaders like Donald Wuerl.  There were eight Cardinals at this Mass and there has never been any question in my mind that Donald has been working his tail off for his entire career to sit along side them as an equal.  After all, Wuerl has been at the center of a great deal of high level Church politicking.  As the personal secretary of Pittsburgh's wheel chair bound Cardinal Wright, Wuerl was one of three non cardinals to be present for the conclave which elected John Paul II.  From here he proceeded to accept the assignment as Auxiliary Bishop of Seattle in the Vatican's attempt to undercut and embarrass Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen.  In this capacity, Wuerl was not exactly successful, but he was still rewarded with the Archdiocese of Pittsburgh and appointment as Chaplain to the US branch of the Knights of Malta.  He has now moved up to Washington DC and added the Knights of Columbus. I'm sure the red hat is soon to follow, at which time he will probably also be made chaplain to the Knights of the CIA.

An honest in depth study of the career of this man would probably give us a great deal of insight as to what exactly goes on in the minds and methods of the Vatican.  We'll never get such a study though, because the one thing the Vatican is really good at is being 'their brothers keeper'.


  1. "brother's keeper" - sounds more like a witch-hunt than "serving" those in need.

    Uh.... since when did Jesus tell us to kiss rings? Did he learn it from his Jewish upbringing? Cuz I never read that part of the Old Testament. Or did he teach it secretly to his disciples? Cuz I can't find those parables that might hold that meaning. Or was it Paul? Cuz, honestly, even in his most zealous sentences, I cannot find him urging something like I see in this photo. Not any of it!

    Flee the KofC evangelists!

  2. The K of C--always to be remembered with the tables in the foyer of our Church-with their "Marriage-One Man, One Woman t shirts", insisting God wanted us to sign the petition banning gay marriage. I was never prouder of my husband than when he went up to them and said,"If Jesus were here, he would tip over these tables and throw you all out!"

  3. coolmom that's really encouraging to hear. My ex is a fourth degree Knight and he disavowed himself of the whole thing when it was ever so obvious the Knights had become a political front organization.

    TheraP this is another of those pictures worth a thousand words.

  4. I was just reading about new high tech scams in which the scammers bilk the unsuspecting innocent out of their money. When I read about the K of C and the "New Evangelization" the word "scam" comes to mind.

    The scam is to USE these men as a political arm of the Vatican. This is the Army that the Vatican will use in the coming elections to get their people elected in order to gain power for themselves. It is not truly about evangelization of these men to the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is all about gaining more power and control centrally for the Vatican to get what they want. They want power. They will use these men to gain power.

    My father was in the K of C. These are not bad men. They are just badly informed. It is also known as a watering hole for alcoholics in the Church. Now they will become the bullies for the big boys who are in love with themselves and in gaining more power and money for themselves.

    It's wicked, to say the least, this "new evangelization" speak. It is abusive too. They are being lied to by the scammers who say they are "Christians" when in reality they are nothing but scam artist.

    PS - Please, those who post here or just read, please donate to Colleen so she can continue to expose what is going on. Please donate what you can, right now.

  5. I've just got to say: I read the article about the sisters you linked to on Clerical Whispers. And I can't imagine a leadership acting in much more despicably. Plenty of things just as bad but that example just breaks my heart. My thoughts and prayers are with those nuns.


  6. Veronica I was actually thinking of making that article the central theme but knew I would most likely be inarticulate. Breaks my heart too.

  7. "The scam is to USE these men as a political arm of the Vatican. This is the Army that the Vatican will use in the coming elections to get their people elected in order to gain power for themselves."

    Very perceptive, Butterfly!

    And the KOC has played a key role in both support & funding of Anti-Gay hate speech & legislation, the fanatical Pro-Life elements....and the conservative wing of the Republican party. Plus the teabaggers.

    Go to & look up the persons & groups linked with McCain/Palin. You will find much high-roller Catholic connectivity. Which links with the KOC, SMOM, OD, etc. Its all the same folks.

    The KOC is virtual Catholic Blue Lodge Freemasonry. There is no point in denying that this is what it was intentionally modelled upon. Now, most men who join the KOC are no more inherently evil then those who join the regular Lodge. Often enthusiastically innocent. That naivety is easily played upon, with social & economic connections as bait. And booze.

    Those who control groups such as the KOC are counting on the blissful ignorance & ready obedience to authority figures. And social conformity/peer pressure.

    The success of the Teabaggers & the 2008 McCain/Palin campaign is about acquiring masses of useful idiots to get out the vote. For an agenda which they are largely clueless of.

    Anon Y. Mouse

  8. Colleen -

    "at which time he will probably also be made chaplain to the Knights of the CIA...."

    Can you explain further? Nor that this last phrase surprised me in the least. Except that I have never seen this expressed literally. Just hinted at. to the career of 'Donna".....can we all sing the old Ritchie Valens single..."Oh Donna!". ?


    Anon Y. Mouse

  9. Mouse that was actually a joke, because most of the CIA types are reputed to be in the Knights of Malta. Maybe Wuerl will get to be Chaplain to the Swiss Guard.

  10. "most of the CIA types are reputed to be in the Knights of Malta"

    Understood & agreed.

    Ever hear of the Orders of the Royal House of Savoy? These folks make Italian Fascists look like pussycats.....

    Anon Y. Mouse
